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Writer's pictureSajal Nadeem

5 Easy & Amazing Tips to Manage Stress as a Parent

Tired mother asking for help while sitting with children
Tired Mother Asking For Help

Stress is the body’s response to a dangerous or difficult situation. This is to allow an individual to recognize there is a problem bothering them, and how to tackle that situation. This is known as a ‘flight or fight response’.

People handle stress differently. Something that may seem stressful for one person, like an exam, might not be stressful for another person. A bunch of different situations and factors can also lead to extreme stress levels.


In This Article


Managing Stress as a Parent

As a parent, balancing your own life, your job, and your children's needs can be very stressful. It can make you feel stuck, anxious, and upset. Dealing with stress is important. Avoiding stressful situations or doing things that can increase stress levels can lead to prolonged chronic stress. This will further lead to other health problems.

That's why it is important for you as a parent to manage your stress level to avoid adverse consequences on your health and mind. Below we've made a list of 5 easy and amazing tips to manage stress as a parent. So let's dive into them without any further ado!

1. Recognize When you are Getting Stressed

Are you easily irritated? Or do you have sore muscles all the time? These are common signs of stress. Stress can present physical and emotional symptoms.


  • Aches, stiffness, and pain in joints and muscles

  • Chest pain and fast heartbeat

  • Exhaustion or trouble sleeping

  • Headaches, dizziness, and fatigue

  • High blood pressure

  • Stomach or digestive problems

  • Anxiety or irritability

  • Panic attacks and nervous behaviors like fidgeting and biting nails

  • Feeling overwhelmed and having a hard time relaxing

  • Low self-esteem and energy

  • Constant worrying and overthinking

  • Trouble focusing

  • Changes in appetite (stress eating or loss of appetite)

  • Procrastinating and avoiding responsibilities


These symptoms can lead to behavior problems like excessive anger and pushing away people without understanding why. Recognizing when you are getting stressed can help you determine the reason behind your stress. Pinpointing the problem can help you deal with it and minimize your stress.

2. Understand the Dangers of Prolonged Stress

Stress is a genuine problem that needs to be addressed. Everyone gets stressed, and you might think a little stress won’t affect you badly. However, ignoring stress instead of dealing with it healthily can lead to that stress building up, until it prevents you from functioning properly in your daily life.

Acute Dangers of Prolonged Stress

  • Prolonged stress can lead to heart problems, autoimmune diseases, chronic stress, and depression.

  • It can affect your thinking and mindset, and create anger and trust issues.

  • These factors can impact your relationship with others and also influence your actions.

  • Prolonged stress won’t just affect you, but also your children. Your children will learn to mimic your bad habits.

  • Furthermore, growing up in a stressful environment can impact your child’s learning and development and can lead to anxiety disorders and health problems.

3. Relax and Reflect for a Healthy Mind

Often parents don’t have time to take care of themselves, which leads to stressful behavior. Instead of recognizing this problem and taking a step back, they try to cope with it through self-destructive habits.

Self-Destructive Habits

  • Drinking

  • Binge eating

  • Using drugs

  • Procrastinating

  • Ignoring responsibilities

  • Overworking yourself so you don’t have to think about the way you feel

These habits will only lead to more stress and other health conditions. The best way to deal with stress is to acknowledge its root and work towards combating the problem. More importantly, it’s necessary to minimize stress altogether. This can be done through self-reflection.

Self-Reflectional Habits

  • By being more aware of your habits and lifestyle, you can begin to understand yourself and your needs better.

  • Being prepared and challenging yourself to work on areas where you are lacking can help you become more confident.

  • Furthermore, it can help you realize the blessing in your life and teach you gratitude. Stress is a form of fear.

  • By combating those fears, you can make your body realize that you are alright and that you can overcome the problems that come your way.


To do this, you need to relax and spend time on yourself. A healthy mind will lead to healthy habits. Even parents need time to unwind and take care of themselves. Don’t feel ashamed to acknowledge your needs as well.

Family Enjoying Time Together
Family Enjoying Time Together

4. Find a Support System

Acknowledging your needs and taking care of yourself can be difficult as a parent. Managing your responsibilities alone will burden you and lead to feelings of hopelessness and frustration. This can lead you to spiral into sadness and grief.

Communicate Often

Creating a safe environment for yourself can help you share your burdens with others. It’s important to have good communication with your partner so you can understand each other’s needs and look out for each other.

Create a Social Circle

  • Reach out to other parents and learn from their experiences and look for comfort in their stories.

  • Sharing your thoughts and struggles will help you feel lighter. Confide in people you feel safe with, like friends and family.

  • By vocalizing your needs, you can help others understand what you are going through and discuss how they can lend you a hand when you are struggling.

  • Staying connected and finding help and support can help you feel less suffocated and take better care of yourself.

  • It will give you the time to address your needs and problems, and further reduce stress.

5. Take It One Step at a Time

It can feel overwhelming when you have a list of problems that are making you feel stressed. You might struggle to confront your problems and instead resort to avoiding thinking about them.

Combating one problem at a time can help you feel less overwhelmed. Setting realistic goals can help you overcome one problem at a time. It will also make you feel confident, and push you to overcome your other problems as well.

Stressed Parents Chart

Feeling stressed is normal. At the same time, dealing with stress is important. Avoiding stressful situations or doing things that can increase stress levels can lead to prolonged chronic stress.

  • Take one step at a time so that you can overcome whatever is bothering you.

  • First work towards minimizing destructive habits and confront how you feel.

  • Acknowledging that something needs to change can help you find solutions.

  • Creating a safe environment for yourself and taking care of your needs can help you minimize stress.

  • When you have confidence and a good support system around you, you’ll find that it is easier to deal with your problems and overcome your stress.


1. What's the most stressful age for parents when dealing with children?

A survey revealed that parents with children of 14 to 16 age are most stressed. Teenagers give the most hectic time to parents.

2. Does being stressed as a parent affect my children?

Your relationship with your children is affected directly by your mental state. If you're stressed, it's more likely to disturb your relationship with your children and mess things up. Being able to understand and listen to the matters need peace of mind and stressed minds affect these.


Stress is a serious issue and must be given the attention it needs and demands. Leaving it the way it is will only result in more adverse consequences. That's why you must not leave it the way and work on it.

Do follow the steps above to manage stress as a parent and try to follow these for your partner as well if they are in the stress phase. Make life a happy moment for each other by taking care.

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